Tuesday, January 13, 2015

100th Day of School Color by Code Addition and So Much More!

It's uploaded! My "100th Day of School Color by Code Addition and So Much More!" file is now in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. This was a fun file to create! What is in this file? Take a look below to find out!

Click on the next picture to go to my store to take a close look at the file:

Click on the next picture to snag the freebie from this file:

In case you are wondering, the cute bow hat page is included in the paid file!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sneak Peek! 100th Day of School!

I have always loved the 100th day of school. Why? I'm not sure... Maybe because it's a great opportunity to do lots of fun activities that keeps the kiddos engaged while they are learning without realizing it! Can you guess what file I'm working on now? If you guessed "100th  Day of School Color by Code Addition and So Much More" you're right! Here's a peek at one of the activities that will be included in the file.

The picture shows a hat that is adorned with a bow that has 100 dots! The bow is attached to a sentence strip that has been decorated with 100 tally marks. My kiddos have always loved wearing silly hats on the 100th day of school. I'm sure this hat will be a big hit with the girls. 

My latest file is ready and it's for sale on TPT!
 Click on the picture to go to my TPT store.

 Click on the picture to to to my TPT store.

You can also find a free sample from this file at my TPT store too! Follow the link below the next picture to grab your freebie.

I had soooo much fun making this file! Here's hoping that others love it as much as I do.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Yep, I know...it's been awhile!

Happy New Year!

Did you make a New Year's Resolution? I did...
It's to blog at least once a week. I certainly hope to keep this resolution!
So much has happened in my life since I last blogged. The most important event was:

Henry "Braxton" Bridges was born! I'm a Nonna now!

The next important event was:

After 33 wonderful years teaching K-2, I retired!

I'm really enjoying retirement! I thought I would have more time to spend on TPT files, but being Braxton's Nonna takes up a lot of my time!

Speaking of Teachers Pay Teachers, this is the file I'm working on and hope to get posted ASAP:

Winter themed Color by Code Addition 0-20

That's it for now...
I hope you have a Blessed New Year!